For the latest information please download and read the guidelines that have been issued from England Athletics - here (please note this link will take you to the England Athletics external site).
In addition :-
- We have your personal details (address and phone numbers) on your personal details and disclaimer form that you filled in when you joined. Please let me know if any details have changed
- By attending the session you are confirming you are not experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms and you have not had any known exposure to anyone with confirmed or suspected Covid-19 in the last two weeks
- Please ensure you wash your hands before and after the session
- Remain 2m apart if possible and definitely 1m - with each other and members of the public
- We carry hand sanitizer, masks and gloves
- We will take a register at the start and end of each session
- Instructions will be voice only - no contact
- Running routes will minimise obstacles that need to be touched
- We will not be providing any equipment
- Training will only be outside in spaces that allow for appropriate social distancing
- Preferred payment by bank transfer not cash
- There is a 5 minute period between sessions to minimise potential contact between different groups
- You are advised to carry your own first aid kit to deal with any minor injuries